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Clinical resources

Introduction to Victorian Stroke Telemedicine


Key aspects to consider when conducting a telemedicine consultation. This short video was written and produced by VST as part of wider education in the emerging field of telemedicine. Runtime: 2:16 minutes.

Radiographers Guide for VST Patients

Download the Radiographers Guide for VST Patients (464KB PDF)

Other stroke education

  • InformMe: Australia: InformMe is a dedicated resource from National Stroke Foundation for health professionals to improve the treatment of stroke care.
  • Acute Stroke Nurses Education Network (ASNEN): ASNEN’s vision is to facilitate the delivery of evidence-based acute stroke care by encouraging stroke specific education and providing networking opportunities for Australian acute stroke nurses to improve patient outcomes.

Clinical guidelines and audit

  • Clinical guidelines for best practice stroke care: The National Stroke Foundation (NSF) first developed the Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2010 to provide a series of evidence-based recommendations for the management of stroke. NSF are currently evolving their Clinical Guidelines into a three-year pilot project to build and evaluate the world’s first Living Guidelines for Stroke Management.
  • National Stroke Acute Audit: The National Stroke Acute Audit reports provide an overview of the quality of acute care in Australia using data from the Organisational Survey and Acute Services Clinical Audit.

Contact VST

Victorian Stroke Telemedicine

Bell Business Centre
Terminal 3, Suite G24
72 Hargrave Avenue, Essendon Fields, VIC, 3041
+61 3 8877 2903

To access VST clinical services call the 1300 number on your TELEDOC

We encourage our VST participating sites to contact us for all cases of suspected acute stroke, where symptom onset is <24hrs . Please call the 1300 number displayed on your TELEDOC to speak to VST and be connected to a stroke consultant. If you are unable to locate the 1300 number please call the VST office on 03 8877 2903 (Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm AEST).

For all other queries please email