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Calling an Ambulance

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Calling Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance in an emergency, often at a stressful time, can be challenging. When calling Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance, it is helpful to be ready to answer the call taker’s following questions.

Is it an emergency?

People should only ever call Triple Zero (000) to request an ambulance if they have a medical emergency. If it is something less urgent, consider whether it is more appropriate to:

How to call

In the case of a medical emergency call Triple Zero (000) and ask for ambulance.

Triple Zero (000) callers can help us by providing information that is as accurate as possible because this is the best way we have of determining the most appropriate response.

When calling Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance, a Telstra call taker will ask you:

  • Do you require police, fire or ambulance?
  • Which state are you calling from? (If you are calling from a mobile phone).

Your call will then be connected to a Triple Zero operator from the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) who will assist you.

Be ready to answer their questions as best you can:

  • What is the exact location of the emergency?
  • What is the phone number you are calling from?
  • What is the problem? What exactly happened?
  • How many people are hurt?
  • How old is the person?
  • Is the person conscious (awake)?
  • Is the person breathing?

Stay on the phone unless told to hang up. Follow the call taker’s instructions while waiting for the ambulance. These instructions will help the patient and the ambulance paramedics.

As soon as the location and type of emergency is confirmed, an ambulance will be dispatched by the dispatch team. The call taker will continue to ask more questions about the patient. The questions help the call-taker to prioritise the request for an ambulance promptly and determine whether the patient requires an alternative service or additional services such the Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA) paramedic skills.

For more information on calling Triple Zero (000), visit the ESTA web site or download our How To Call Card.

You can download the Emergency Smartphone App and get information in other languages at the Triple Zero (000) web site.