Recommendation progress
Implemented to a significant extent
Implemented to a moderate extent
In planning or scoping
Implementation activities agreed
Not available
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Recommendation listing
1Learning through reflective practice
5(a)The critical role of unions and professional associations in prevention
6Protecting safety in isolated environments
9(b)Introduce workplace contact officers and establish a local champions network
11Establish a dedicated division to drive reform
12Supporting robust governance and oversight of reforms
13A victim-centred and fair report and complaint system
14Enhancing perceptions of independence and supporting capability for the new organisational response to reports and complaints of unlawful conduct
15Supporting staff to confidently report through anonymous pathways
18Developing resources to support accessibility of the report and complaint system
23Supporting the effective delivery of reporting and complaint reforms
24Enhancing accountability of the report and complaint system
25Increasing diversity on the Ambulance Victoria Board
40Updating and strengthening governance documents
41Board learning through reflective practice
42Organisational healing and culture change through reflective practice
Implemented to a significant extent
4Communicating regularly and proactively about prevention
7Resetting and embedding organisational values
16Embedding a victim-centred approach to processes and procedures
17Supporting choice and control and addressing harm at the earliest opportunity
19Supporting transparency and developing learning tools
21Learning lessons and improving service delivery at the earliest opportunity
22Creating and maintaining records and data to improve analytical capability
39Fully embedding workplace safety and equality in risk management and health and safety systems
Implemented to a moderate extent
2Bearing witness, learning through listening and acknowledging through restorative justice
3A holistic evidence-based prevention plan
8Encouraging a ‘speak-up’ culture
9(a)Introduce workplace contact officers and establish a local champions network
10Valuing those who care
20Understanding how the report and complaint system is working
27Prioritising conscious inclusion throughout the recruitment lifecycle
28Removing structural barriers to career advancement
36Strengthening workplace equality education and training
37Embedding sustained learning and development
43A holistic and evidence-based information and data plan and communications strategy
In planning or scoping
26Disrupting harmful stereotypes
29Advancing equal pay
30Removing structural barriers and embedding flexibility into immediate and long-term workforce planning and the employment lifecycle
31Implementing and tailoring the Think Flex First Framework
32Monitoring the legal compliance and continual improvement of flexible work practices
33Building knowledge, capability and accountability
38Creating an operating environment where capabilities can be realised
Implementation activities agreed
34Creating reasonable adjustment policies, expertise and strategy
35Improving long-term planning for transition to retirement
Not available
Status information
The recommendation has been implemented in a way that achieves its intent
Implemented to a significant extent
Significant steps have been taken to implement the recommendation, but minor work is still needed to achieve the intent of the recommendation.
Implemented to a moderate extent
Some steps have been taken to implement the recommendation, but a moderate amount of work is still needed to achieve the intent of the recommendation.
In planning or scoping
Work to implement the recommendation is in the concept or initiation stage.
Implementation activities agreed
Actions to implement the recommendation have been identified.
Not available
Status not reported as the recommendation is solely directed at external organisation.