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Recommendation 37: Embedding sustained learning and development

The recommendation

Ambulance Victoria should continue to deliver the Leading Together Program to middle and frontline managers, while also taking other immediate steps to support managers to develop and demonstrate improved people management capabilities and inclusive leadership, including by:

  1. ensuring managers have performance development plans in place by December 2022 with standardised KPIs for workplace equality and people management
  2. trialling the use of a 360-feedback tool to support ongoing development in the first instance, with further consideration to using such tools for performance appraisal in future
  3. requiring individuals who are assessed as eligible to act in a management role but have not yet completed leadership and people management training to do so as soon as practicable and assigning all acting managers a mentor while acting in a management role
  4. exploring ways to provide diverse learning opportunities and exposure to a variety of leadership and management approaches, for example through regular external secondments or external, cross-sector communities of practice
  5. conducting a comprehensive capability audit following the delivery of the Leading Together program to assess its impact and apply lessons to future iterations of the program.

What we are doing

  • Continue to deliver the Leading Together Program to middle and frontline managers
  • Develop standard Key Performance Indicators on workplace equality and perople management for performance development plans
  • Ensure consistent preparation and use of performance development plans, including to identify learning needs and schedule regular performance conversations
  • Trial a 360-feedback tool to support people management and leadership development in the first instance and subject to trial outcomes, consider rolling out a 360-feedback tool for performance appraisal in the future
  • Require employees eligible to act in a management role but who have not yet completed leadership and people management training to do so as soon as practicable
  • Assign all acting managers a mentor while acting in a management role
  • Consider exchange and secondment learning opportunities with similarly situated ambulance services and internal secondments and placements to diversity knowledge and experience
  • Audit people management and leadership capability after delivering the Leading Together program to assess its impact and apply lessons

Where we are up to


The Leading Together Program was formally launched in October 2023 with all incumbent and acting frontline leaders across all AV functions – approximately 500 leaders in total – provided first access to the program.  The program is a 12-month learning journey made up of blended learning activities, including four face-to-face workshops focussed on leading self, leading others and leading wellbeing in support of our transformational agenda towards a safe, fair and inclusive AV.

In January 2024, the program was extended to all other leaders and aspiring leaders with a call to action for mid-level leaders to participate in the program, enabling them to play a critical supporting and coaching role in the development of their frontline leaders participating in the program.

Since launching the program, 441 employees have engaged in and are progressively working their way through the program.


To be confirmed

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