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Recommendation 20: Understanding how the report and complaint system is working

The recommendation

Ambulance Victoria should establish agreed benchmarks to measure the performance of its report and complaint system that include:

  1. timelines for key steps and actions in the report and complaint process, including:
    1. acknowledgment of receipt
    2. resolution of ‘simple’ reports or complaints
    3. resolution of urgent or priority reports or complaints
    4. trigger points for notification of delays
  2. satisfaction of the report and complaint process and outcomes for those involved (including complainants, respondents and witnesses)
  3. quality measurements, such as the ease of using the report and complaint system, the fairness of the process and the clarity of communication.

In establishing these benchmarks, Ambulance Victoria should, with the assistance of the Department of Health, seek to consult with and, where possible, agree on common benchmarks to measure performance throughout the health sector.

What we are doing

  • Establish agreed benchmarks to measure the performance of the new report and complaint model
  • Seek to agree common benchmarks to measure performance across the health sector

Where we are up to


Ambulance Victoria has established baseline quantitative and quality performance measures to assess the performance of its report and complaint system. Ambulance Victoria has extended the period for collecting data against baseline performance measures to accommodate the integration of a new team and the maturity of its complaint management system to ensure data integrity.

Ambulance Victoria will continue to collect data against indicative performance measures over the next 12 months, which will be used, together with consultation across the health sector, to establish evidence-based performance benchmarks in April 2025. This extension will help ensure that our performance benchmarks are evidence-based, best-practice, realistic and attainable.


Ambulance Victoria has developed quantitative and quality performance measures to assess the performance of its report and complaint system. The measures were informed by leading practice approaches and developed to ensure the Professional Standards and Behaviours Department (PSBD) is responding effectively to complaints in line with the design principles. AV will be able to monitor risks and trends to inform prevention and support continual improvement action.

During its first 12 months of operation, the PSBD will establish baseline performance against the measures and will then collaborate with key stakeholders to develop key performance indicators. Once established, AV intends to share these measures publicly and with the workforce. AV plans to report annually against these measures in the Your AV Impact report.


  • Ambulance Victoria has been researching leading qualitative and quantitative measures so we can assess whether the Professional Standards & Behaviours Department is responding effectively to complaints and be transparent about what we learn. As part of this research, we sought and received expert advice from the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission on leading qualitative measures, and have researched how leading practice organisations are supporting transparency and rebuilding trust by reporting publicly on complaint data. Once settled, we intend to share these measures publicly, including with the workforce, and plan to report annually against the measures in our Your AV Impact Report.


  • AV will start work to better understand how the report and complaint system is working system once key staff are recruited and other foundational work is progressed.


Q1 FY25

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