Recommendation 3: A holistic evidence-based prevention plan
The recommendation
Ambulance Victoria should develop a comprehensive prevention plan targeting discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, victimisation and other harmful workplace conduct, like incivility, within six months of the publication of Volume II of the final report. At a minimum, the plan should:
- address the specific drivers and risk factors identified in this volume of the report
- be informed by early and ongoing consultation with the workforce, the relevant unions and professional associations and the Department of Health
- integrate and/or align prevention measures with any existing or new diversity and inclusion strategies, including the organisation’s forthcoming Gender Equality Action Plan for the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic)
- include key accountabilities for leaders and managers and require ongoing monitoring and evaluation and continuous improvement efforts, to be led by the new dedicated division responsible for leading implementation of the Commission’s recommendations (see Recommendation 11).
What we are doing
- Develop and implement a holistic and evidence-based prevention plan
Where we are up to
Ambulance Victoria (AV) has updated the consultation draft of our prevention plan to incorporate psychosocial risk management approaches. This recognises that bullying and harassment are psychosocial risks. This prevention plan ensures the importance of psychological safety in the workplace, in addition to meeting our legal obligations. Consultation with stakeholders is scheduled to be completed in early 2024 to support finalising and launching the plan.
Activities that support a prevention mindset commenced in September 2023. These activities support an increased awareness of the importance of preventing harm before it occurs and creating and maintaining a safe, fair and inclusive AV.
AV has prepared a consultation draft of our prevention plan, to support organisational efforts to prevent harm before it occurs and create and maintain a positive workplace culture where people are safe, treated fairly and feel included. We will begin consultation with internal and external stakeholders around May to finalise the plan, and are working to align the plan with the broad range of work underway to support AV in its journey towards a more safe, fair and inclusive workplace.
- In December 2022, the Safety Pillar Governance Committee approved the project management plan for development and implementation of AV’s prevention plan. We have commenced drafting the prevention plan and engagement with key internal stakeholders to ensure the approach, activities and messages align to the other work under way to make AV safe, fair and inclusive.
- In September 2022 AV commenced initial planning and scoping of its prevention plan. This includes, mapping the range of reform activities that will support AV’s prevention efforts, for example activities to encourage a ‘speak up’ culture, among other work (R8).
- AV will start work to develop a prevention plan once key staff are recruited.
March 2024