- Category
- Complaints
- Owner
- Status
- Implemented to a significant extent
Recommendation 22: Creating and maintaining records and data to improve analytical capability
The recommendation
Ambulance Victoria should ensure that:
- its policies and procedures clearly require the creation and appropriate maintenance of records of all incidents, complaints, responses and decisions related to unlawful and harmful conduct, including those reported informally
- the Workplace Harm Unit, the Specialist Support Unit, and the Investigations Unit are equipped with a single, centralised and secure information technology system that adheres to best practice information management requirements.
What we are doing
- Ensure that the new complaint handling policy and procedure [R16] requires the creation and appropriate maintenance of records of all incidents, complaints, responses anddecisions related to unlawful and harmful conduct
- Introduce a centralised and secure case management system
Where we are up to
Ambulance Victoria has implemented a secure case management system which supports the creation and maintenance of complaint management records and supports reporting.
Ambulance Victoria is uplifting its complaint handling policies and procedures to ensure alignment to the secure case management system and has established a continuous improvement process to ensure that the system can meet the needs of Professional Standards Department into the future.
As at 5 June 2023, Ambulance Victoria had developed and implemented a new, centralised and secure case management system to support the operation of the Professional Standards and Behaviours Department (PSBD). The system is also supported by new online report and complaint forms.
PSBD team members will create and maintain records related to reports and complaints. The department structure also includes a dedicated Senior Data Analyst leading data analysis to support Ambulance Victoria to understand patterns, trends and systemic issues and drive evidence-informed continual improvement. Ambulance Victoria is currently recruiting to this role.
Regular reports on complaints data are considered by the Complaints Pillar Governance Committee and the Ambulance Victoria Board.
- AV has commenced development of a complaints case management system that will equip the Professional Standards & Behaviours Department with a single, centralised and secure information and technology system that adheres to best practice information management requirements. This will support the department to undertake data analysis to proactively identify trends, hot spots and provide evidence-based tailored interventions to support prevention and early intervention activities to provide a safe workplace for our people.
- AV will start work to update its policies and procedures related to reports and complaints record management once key staff are recruited and other foundational work is progressed.
Q2 FY25