Recommendation 5(b): The critical role of unions and professional associations in prevention
The recommendation
- Ambulance Victoria should work together with Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria, Professionals Australia, the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated and other relevant unions and professional associations to enable them to inform their respective members of the organisation’s response to the key findings and recommendations in this final report
- Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria, Professionals Australia, the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated and other relevant unions and professional associations should:
- seek regular opportunities to reiterate their commitment to workplace equality, including through their continued support of the Independent review into workplace equality in Ambulance Victoria
- ensure their staff receive regular training on the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and related laws, so that they can best advise their respective members on their rights and responsibilities
- seek regular opportunities to inform their respective members about where they can access information and support about their rights and responsibilities under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and related laws.
Where we are up to
Progress against Recommendation 5(b): Professionals Australia
- Professionals Australia (PA) issued two statements to members at Ambulance Victoria, supporting the implementation of recommendations made by VEOHRC in its Volume 1 and 2 reports on Workplace Equality at Ambulance Victoria (AV).
- PA are actively representing members on the Equality and Workplace Reform Steering Committee overseeing the implementation of the VEOHRC recommendations and providing feedback to AV on the actions being taken to improve safety, equality and inclusion at AV.
- On 26 May 2022 PA convened a forum for members on Workplace Equality at AV which addressed the role of VEOHRC in promoting human rights and equality in Victoria; the plan for giving effect to the VEOHRC recommendations in AV; and how PA will also drive equality and inclusion outcomes at AV.
To be confirmed