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Joint Statement from AV, VAU and UWU

September 23, 2024 | in News

We are pleased to announce we have reached in-principle agreement for the Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2024 (AVEA 2024).

The settlement offer follows careful consideration of 800-plus submitted claims, where we heard directly from you about your experiences, and focused on key priority areas you identified.

We acknowledge that negotiations have taken longer than anyone had hoped, and recognise the impact this had on everyone at AV, along with our partners and community.

We are hopeful this in-principle agreement creates a new and stronger foundation for collaboration, building of trust and cementing our position as a world-leading ambulance service.

Danielle North
Chief Executive Officer (Acting, Ambulance Victoria)

Danny Hill
Victorian Ambulance Union (VAU) 

Fiona Scalon
United Workers Union (UWU)