- Category
- Complaints
- Owner
- Status
- Implemented to a significant extent
Recommendation 21: Learning lessons and improving service delivery at the earliest opportunity
The recommendation
Ambulance Victoria should:
- develop standard processes for seeking feedback from all parties involved in a complaint, with a view to identifying and intervening against any victimisation and informing practice and service improvements
- provide guidance to those who manage and handle complaints on the factors that should inform analysis of organisational and systemic issues
- ensure that staff members with complaint handling and management responsibilities hold relevant skills, training and expertise to undertake root cause analysis of organisational and systemic issues.
What we are doing
- Develop process to seek feedback from parties to a complaint, inc to identify and intervene against any victimisation and enable continual improvement
- Provide guidance to complaint managers on the factors to inform analyses of organisational and systemic issues
Where we are up to
Ambulance Victoria has developed and implemented a continuous improvement framework for the report and complaint system, which provides feedback from participants to inform organisational process and service improvements. Ambulance Victoria has integrated a variety of feedback channels, including an anonymous participant survey to gather feedback about the report and complaint system. Participant feedback is regularly reviewed, and service improvements are actioned by the Professional Standards and Behaviours Department senior leadership team.
Ambulance Victoria is actively developing comprehensive training for key team members focusing on the factors that should inform analysis of organisational and systemic issues. The training will support identification of root causes of unlawful and harmful workplace behaviours and inform organisational and systemic prevention and improvement initiatives. Ambulance Victoria is embedding processes to identify factors that underpin unlawful and harmful workplace behaviour both organisationally and individually, ensuring systemic issues are effectively addressed.
Ambulance Victoria has developed an anonymous participant experience survey that is provided to all participants in any complaints process that began on or after 5 June 2023. AV will regularly review and report on the results to our workforce.
- Develop process to seek feedback from parties to a complaint, including to identify and intervene against any victimisation and enable continual improvement.
- Provide guidance to complaint managers on the factors to inform analyses of organisational and systemic issues.
- AV will start work to develop standard processes to ensure continual improvement in the new reports and complaints system once key staff are recruited and as part of work to design the new operating model.
- AV is giving careful consideration to the capabilities needed to administer the new reports and complaints system, as part of work to design the proposed structure and roles for the Professional Standards and Behaviours Department.
Q4 FY24